Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Yay, It's my birthday! That's all that's really been going on as of late. I'm working at the UCATS office about 35 hrs a week. They had a birthday cake and everything for me! I was definately suprised. The new coach started last week and she's really nice. Katie and I met with her to discuss her views on some things. She is really perfect for the job. I am really excited for the times to come.
There's about 5 weeks left until the baby boy comes! Way excited. We've made all the final arrangements. The room is all done and ready. We've had the two baby showers and they were way fun. Thank you all for your wonderful gifts, again. The belly is getting bigger and bigger. We're going to Chicago from the 23 to the 26 for a little getaway before the baby comes. Hopefully the baby won't come before then or while we're on the trip! That would be a story to tell, for sure.
Well that's all for the update. I'm sure there will be much more soon!


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