Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I love this pic, along with the rest of them
There he is, our precious boy!

A month old, and still truckin'...

So now I know what it truly means to be sleep deprived and exhausted. At first my mom was here to help and Jonah had no idea that he was even outside of the womb. Now it's just me and Dave,and a little one that is freaked out cuz this is a whole new world for him. It being the three of us isn't bad at all, but Dave has to get SOME sleep because he has to go to work in the morning, and Jonah still had his days and night backwards, so I get to catch late-night TV with the rest of the insomniacs. I am truly loving my little one, he is going to be a heartbreaker. He is beginning to coo right after he eats and it's the sweetest thing. He smiles and laughs when he's sleeping - I'll post a funny picture. At one month, Jonah weighed 12lbs 4 ozs which equals HUGE. He's the size of a normal 4 month old. He's in the 95 percentile for everything! He's a big ' en, for sure. Boy Have I come to truly respect any and every mother there ever was. Being a mom is hard, but I know it is all worth it. As a new mother, I have never been so terrified and SO in love in my entire life. It is an indescribable feeling and something I recommend to all, but only when they are truly ready. If I weren't ready for this I don't know where I'd be. I feel for single moms and teen-moms. It must be so difficult to do without someone to help. I truly respect them for what strength and courage it takes to go it alone. I don't know where I'd be without Dave's help. He's been amazing.

I think I hear him waking, so that is all for now.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


he is Eight Days old today

Jonah Owen Beach was born on August 24, 2005 at 4:23. He weighed 9lbs 11oz and was 21 1/2 inches. He was delivered by C-Section, because he head wouldn't fit through, but luckily he was, because his umbilical cord was tied in a knot and they would have had to emergency surgery! Atleast when he gets old enough to wear shoes he'll already know how to tie them. That was an amazing expreience. Truly amazing. I can't even put into words what it felt like to hear my child for the first time to see him and to watch him grab the cover and pull it over him when they were cleaning him off. To see how much he looks like his father. To know exactly what he needs just by instinct. To hear the cat noises he makes while sleeping. To watch him watch me. It's an amzing feeling. More later - it's feeding time.

P.S. Advice to all new mothers - it's something I just learned: Sleep whenever you possibly can, no matter what you think not sleeping will catch up with you.
sleepy baby
Happy Daddy