Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Is it better to be a live dog than a dead lion?

An exerpt from 1 Peter

12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?

14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;

15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conduct in Christ.

17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

It's a beautiful day...

Yes, It is a beautiful day! The sun is shining and the birds are chirping, but of course the day will be filled with writing my last 20+ page paper, studying for a midterm and trying to start studying for my huge final in Psych 381. I've heard that final is a doosey, one that I will massively have to prepare for... Any suggestions? Besides school everything else seems to be going alright. At the country club they are going to be switching me to a different area to work because my belly doesn't fit in any of my serving uniforms anymore. They were thinking front desk or even the laundry room. I wouldn't mind either or. The front desk, you sit and answer the phones while playing on the computer, and in the laundry room you just wash laundry. It'd be able to kick back and do anything I want and get paid for it and do my own laundry from home while I'm at it. Awesome? Yes.
I'm still working at the athletic development office, or "UCATS", for about 15 hours a week to make up for my scholarship. I really enjoy it. I am getting to use all the programs I used in my stats class to help them out. The people that work there are all super nice. It's good to be in a happy environment.
Well I got the news last night that my coach was fired yesterday morning. I do have to say I am disappointed. I am not sure, really, how to feel about it. When things happened between he and I in February, I was told to tell the EEOC about it because the athletic department could do nothing, which I understood. I shared with the EEOC what went on between him and I and how what he said affected me. I know that my teammates are pissed at me for something I did NOT do. I did not make Tim treat me the way he did. He did that on his own accord. All I EVER asked from Tim was an apology for what he said, and he couldn't even give me that. I knew that the only way for Tim to understand that what he said to me on several occasions was ENTIRELY inappropriate was to tell someone about it. I am NOT responsible for what happened after I made another person aware of it. I am NOT responsible for him getting fired. I never wanted that. I have always respected my coach for his intellect on life. I always respected him for his knowledge about the sport of rowing, but I NEVER felt that the way he treated his athletes was in just. Yes, he is nice and YES he is a good guy, but he made one mistake too many. I do not condemn him for that. I forgive and have forgiven him for the things he has said to me. I am only trying to do right by his wrong.
The University's decision to fire him was in NO WAY my decision. Since day one of my complaint I told the department that if he was willing to say he was sorry, I would drop everything and shake hands with the man. The EEOC is not responsible for him getting fired. On the determination letter it clearly states "Based on the conclusions in the investigation, we recommend Tim Royalty receive a written reprimand regarding his behavior toward Abby Beach. We also recommend that the members of the Rowing team participate in an awareness training session focused on the prevention of harassment." No where in that entire document of determination does it state `We want him fired!'. The EEOC decided what went on and what rules Tim violated. I NEVER wanted Tim fired for this, never. Do NOT make his being fired my fault for doing what I felt was the right thing to do. Also the University could not fire him just because of this situation. I don't know if you remember, but our coach would often say, "They're just looking for a reason to fire me." Again, this is NOT my fault.
SO if you are reading this, the teammates who are trying so hard to hate me, Please, think twice. Think before you speak. Think before you act. And please, do not treat my friends badly because they chose to make this not about them. They did not do anything to you, nor did I.
And P.S. I will be back next year.

I intend to continue rowing as soon as I am able and even after I hopefully graduate from UC. I came to UC to row. I never faked injuries. I am not dabbling in a religion for kicks, it gives me a greater understanding that unfortunately some will never get the chance to know. I am not yoking up my scholarship like some people think I am. All I have ever wanted to do was row, not go to school! I could care less about going to school. I would rather row all night an all day if a could. I've learned a lot these past three years about rowing and about people. I crave rowing too much to let it slip through my fingers on account of old, graduating, teammates who think they know what's going on when really they have no clue. I hope they will eventually come to know the truth. I hope they all may be able to grow up. I hope that my teammates, including the coaches, have learned something from all this, I know I have learned a lot. So much more can be learned from this situation. No ones lives have stopped on account of this situation they will go on. Mine, I am planning on rowing as soon as my body allows it. My husband knows how much I need crew and he has already made so many sacrifices for me to continue rowing. I dont think many people know this but he had an academic scholarship to go to BYU, but because he knew I couldn't leave rowing, he decided to stay so we could be together. Because of that passion, I will be back with a vengeance sooner than you know it.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Does Your English Cut the Mustard?

I found this little quiz that tests a persons ability of the English Language. I'd say I did pretty well. Why don't you give it a whack?

Your English Skills:

Grammar: 100%

Punctuation: 80%

Spelling: 80%

Vocabulary: 60%

Before the Disaster

Boy oh Boy...

So the Reds were at 500, but they've lost (Can you BELIEVE it!) the last 6 GAMES! And the most ridiculous loss of all Dave and I happened to be attending was on Monday, May 2. They were winning 9-3 at the bottom of the eigth. At the top of the ninth things went from great to horrible in a matter of seconds! It was crazy. Why Danny Graves is paid over 6 million dollars a year for the crap he pulls? He's the 2nd highest paid closer in all of MLB. You'd think he'd be the 2nd best! I'm not saying anything personal about the guy, because I dont know him, but he needs some MAJOR work on his game. Sean Casey shouldn't have made either of those ridiculous errors and Griffey and Dunn need to get the hustle back. It was a great game until the 9th. You'd think that after a loss like that I'd lose faith in my home team. But NO! I know it's in them to be great, they've just got to prove it to themselves now.