six months later...
(Thanks for the reminder from Carolyn that I needed to update!) So, since my 22nd birthday,(in short) Jonah turned 1!, I got over mono, went back to School & Rowing, my sister, Dana, got married, I went to Indiana, Tennessee and Iowa for a few races, Thanksgiving (for which Lorena came to town!!); then UC annouced they were planning on dropping rowing (we'll see if that happens) and then came Christmas. After that I found out I got a 4.0 for Fall quarter(!!!My first ever in college!!!) with 18 credit hours (the max amount) and I made the Athletic's Academic Wall of Fame. Woo hoo! I am hoping the heavy schedule will explain my lack of updating this thing... yeah, it's sufficient enough. Jonah has now experienced snow for the first time. It was a Sunday and seeing how our steeeeeep hill of a driveway was not plowed yet, we were'nt going to risk going to church. Instead, we watched Jonah be dibilitated by the snow. He wouldn't move, he wouldn't even touch the snow until he got tired of standing and sat down in it! Finally, Dave let him eat some and he started to perk up. Now, I'm back in school but only with 12 credit hours this time and no racing. All indoor (killer) practices. But what's really cool is that we've been using the slides that simulate a boat on the water. They're so cool! I love Technology...(but not as much as you, you see... but still I love technology, always and forever, always and forever - Kip Dynamite).
Mid-March I'm headed to Oak Ridge, TN for a grueling week of training. What fun. Luckily, Dave got a vacation for that week so he gets to stay home and have fun with the kid. We have one home race in the Spring if anyone wants to spend their Saturday morning and early afternoon watching a sport they know nothing about it is on March 31st, location TBA. It's a scrimmage against Dayton, E Michigan and Indiana. ALright, that's fun and fact filled enough for now. Read and respond to let me know you care! It's homework time!
Mid-March I'm headed to Oak Ridge, TN for a grueling week of training. What fun. Luckily, Dave got a vacation for that week so he gets to stay home and have fun with the kid. We have one home race in the Spring if anyone wants to spend their Saturday morning and early afternoon watching a sport they know nothing about it is on March 31st, location TBA. It's a scrimmage against Dayton, E Michigan and Indiana. ALright, that's fun and fact filled enough for now. Read and respond to let me know you care! It's homework time!